Painted in the dark, presumably.
Tag - Mystery Meat
The Amazon description is at least as bad as the cover:
Religion is Personal Thee state is for all, FarI After Reading through Holy scriptures and thee Rastafarian Holy Piby, one could sea thee need for improvement and to i-pply content and meaning unto I&I Father & Mother Tafari’s Holy Words. I&I must say black and white as forms of speech, as means of judging Humankind should be i-liminated from human society. Human Beings are precisely thee same, whatIver colour creed or national origin they may bee. (Throne Speech Selassie I)
Fun fact: On the Amazon page, ‘Netanis Lopez’ and ‘aka “we be tina”‘ are listed as separate authors.
And don’t go looking at the Amazon description to explain this cover, because it resolutely refuses to do so. (h/t Axolotl)