DEATH CLEARINGHOUSE: The Novelette March 4, 2020NathanCovers DEATH CLEARINGHOUSE: The Novelette Not just *A* novelette, mind you.
Dinosaur Rescue February 25, 2020NathanCovers2 Comments Dinosaur Rescue Sorry, I should have warned you to put a stick between your teeth.
The Ladybug and the Ant February 20, 2020NathanCovers3 Comments The Ladybug and the Ant Oh good golly, it’s illustrated.
REDMAN: Finding the Man in the Maze February 16, 2020NathanCovers1 Comment REDMAN: Finding the Man in the Maze And it’s a “adult social-political thriller,” because of course.
Spoiled Journey: The Roads That Take Us February 15, 2020NathanCovers4 Comments Spoiled Journey: The Roads That Take Us Too easy.