Goriod: Tales of Metamorphosis # 1 February 13, 2023NathanCovers5 Comments Goriod: Tales of Metamorphosis # 1 I HAZ ART. WUT I DO WIF IT?? (h/t Ian)
Painfully Sane: Poetry and Artwork January 20, 2023NathanCovers3 Comments Painfully Sane: Poetry and Artwork Disputed thus.
Suburban Gargoyle January 18, 2023NathanCovers1 Comment Suburban Gargoyle All the drama of a lazy Facebook meme, now in book form! (h/t Ian)
Little Black Book of Economic Development, 2nd Edition Revised: How to Rebuild Local Economies and Create Jobs and Attract Business Investment (Professional Economic Developer) December 18, 2022NathanCovers5 Comments Little Black Book of Economic Development, 2nd Edition Revised: How to Rebuild Local Economies and Create Jobs and Attract Business Investment (Professional Economic Developer) Try as you might, you cannot make economic development look exciting.
Discarded Darkness: Life Lessons of a Broken Child: Twisted real life story of my life of substance abuse and recovery. Wish I had known these life lessons before all of this. December 10, 2022NathanCovers1 Comment Discarded Darkness: Life Lessons of a Broken Child: Twisted real life story of my life of substance abuse and recovery. Wish I had known these life lessons before all of this. While I appreciate any catharsis you may have achieved, is it really fair to charge people for this?