Reb’s Rendition (Reb Rogers Book 4) January 6, 2024NathanCovers1 Comment Reb’s Rendition (Reb Rogers Book 4) Does it come with a stick to put between your teeth?
Under Attack December 29, 2023NathanCovers2 Comments Under Attack Yeah, I probably should have warned you.
To Catch an Elf: Pennsylvania Fighter Pilot December 26, 2023NathanCovers1 Comment To Catch an Elf: Pennsylvania Fighter Pilot Elf vs. fighter pilot? I’ll just stick with the classics like Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus, thanks.
Ralph’s Place II: The Adventure Continues December 19, 2023NathanCovers1 Comment Ralph’s Place II: The Adventure Continues Somebody, anybody, stop it!