An Unexpected Love Blossoms in the Desert: A Western Historical Romance Book
Thanks to the color scheme, layout and mixed fonts, it looks like the title is either “Unexpected Blossoms” or “Love in the Desert.”
An Unexpected Love Blossoms in the Desert: A Western Historical Romance Book
Thanks to the color scheme, layout and mixed fonts, it looks like the title is either “Unexpected Blossoms” or “Love in the Desert.”
Conan The Barbarian, and Solomon Kane, 20 Tales of Conan and 3 Tales of Solomon Kane
“Joe’s Family” is apparently the publisher. Curse you, Joe, and curse your progeny!
Plot twist: That’s a nuclear explosion off to the right.
Fran and Max: the Bungalow (The McBride Romances Book 1)
Always sanitize your Max before sticking it in your eye. (Also, it’s about escape from human trafficking.)