Category - Blurbs

BLURB: Unicorns Love Unicycles (And So Do Uni-Corns)

WARNING: NOT FOR KIDS! Despite the title, unicorns have very little to do with this book. “Unicorns” is a follow-up to the author’s last randoms book, “Leprechauns Hate Stereotypes”. It is a collection of jokes, short stories, poems, funny things kids say, and more. INTRODUCING: WORDPLAY! If you’re a fan of mad libs, then you’ll love the Wordplay! features of this book, putting a personalized spin on the concept of mad libs involving the author’s best-selling books! If you hate this book, use it as a coaster, because it’s cheap, decorative, and had a little work put into it.

When the description’s job is to walk back the cover, there’s been a serious miscalculation somewhere. (h/t PJ)

BLURB: Unity in Humor: by Mrs. Howard’s Grandson

This novel “Unity in Humor” seeks to present more than merely a collection of very short stories interlinked by a common narrator. Though it is written in the form of individual character sketches, the entire settings are filled with the unity of humor in the lives of the communities that are portrayed in this novel.

Within the title of this novel, there is a projection that when a society has not defined its goals, individuals are less inclined to achieve fulfillment in life.

The humorous stories surrounding these characters are presented because the author believes that living in this island of Barbados is made less stressful due to its citizens’ sense of humor.

Are you sold? (h/t PJ)

BLURB: The Misplaced Mermaids

Submerse yourself in this dynamic collection of twelve soulful stories. From Harry Styles fanfic to a magical fantasy holiday tale to a deeply moving story about a young girl and her seafaring grandpa, the twelve pieces included here encourage an open mind, a loving heart and that you do your best to honor yourself (because this is not always easy but it’s important) and live a life true to what is really in your heart and soul. Being hardworking and understanding that believing in yourself is truly the way to go. I’ve never felt comfortable doing things or accepting things simply because “it’s the way it’s always been done”. Why not throw out all the comparisons to “the norm” that we may have made. Those types of ideals and comparisons are stifling to the true, one-of-a-kind magic that is YOU.

Come for the book description, stay for the self-help pep talk. (h/t PJ)

Prototypes hints at heaven and hell (Science and Engineering Book 15)

Prototypes hints at heaven and hell (Science and Engineering Book 15)

No, really, that’s what it’s about:

Tips about how design engineering evoked the Sumerian and Egyptian pantheon, highlighted a potential hybrid sealed by the Hebrew priesthood between humans and birds, a winged woman before Cain, and a pragmatical water canalization system, on compost toilet for recycle faces of Geb at home and using them in the heaters, for powering Phaeton vehicles such as vans, camper, buses, trains, airplanes, for making 3D-print bio-filaments, for Ceres slow-release fertilizers, Sobek aquatics fauna feed, while, Hathor urines for this last, but also for creating artificial snow flocks, Fuel Cells (FCs), and for isolating induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs).

Bhavachakra of legislations : The wheel model for regulating any Solar System (SS)‘s planet confined living land.

Bhavachakra of legislations : The wheel model for regulating any Solar System (SS)‘s planet confined living land.

This is apparently the week for “Blurbs Which Are As Bad As The Covers”:

Translation, paraphrasing, alignment, and update after more than a century of worldwide peace of the most important Italian Republic legislations such as the Constitution, European Regulation, and United Nations rules, unfortunately, less nostalgic venerating the worthful veterans for the new generation wishing to be able to live, thrive and reproduce alone in right. The legislations are enhanced and improved without altering the tradition moving against articles like the n. 139 of the Italian Constitution, proposed as a model for all the enclosed geo-political borders of any liveable astronomical object being based on the zodiac, related planets, and asteroids. This translation may be suitable for foreign immigrants in the Italian borders looking to understand how to live according to the national legislation and for the prospective citizens of Mars and other livable planets. In this unique hermetic text, the Italian currencies used for the pecuniary amends still in outdated “Lire £” have been updated converting them into “Euros €”.