Its about the things that happens in our society at large which brings a lot of limitations to us but we are supposed to abide with because failure to do so will lead to dare consequences as we are told. Those who abide with them are regarded as hero’s in the society who are declared as morally upright while those who go against them are regarded as outcasts who are often depicted as a badomen to the whole society atlarge. Powerful spells are cast by the elders upon them which serve as curses rumoured to cause them experience dare consequences and this is emphasized by the elders in order for the affected to serve as a good example to the rest who might think of going against the set norms in future. People reach the end of the road and feel as if they can no longer take it any more they are determined to throw the towel and go against some norms and customs but the dare consequences rumored which are as a result of the tramaticizing cast spells leave them in a state of dilemma not knowing whether to abide or go against hence the title of the book abide or go against.Inshort Its about the present life. Here we see people in a certain community who hold to various misconceptions passed from one generation to another just like we do in our present life or times.Here the elders are very strict cause they see themselves responsible in passing this norms and customs to the next generation cause if they don’t no one else will. Failure to do so will give them a bad reputation and they feel their legacy will go down the drain so they are vicious to do what it takes with the rebels. They forget that time is changing as technology and way of life advance and this is not in their favor. They are in their own world and they don’t want to know what is happening to the external world for that does not concern them what concerns them is their reputation and their legacy not going down the drain for they are willing to pass the norms and customs to the coming generations without leaving a blemish and are vigorous to train the recruities to do the same.
There’s a second paragraph on Amazon, but I think this is sufficient, don’t you?