Category - Blurbs

BLURB: Are You a “Jay”, When Crossing the Street?

WELCOMING GOD’S PROTECTION: Though our children’s superhero, we, parents, can’t protect them from all harms, like when an intruder invades their school. God, on the other hand, can; as He can be in all places at all times. This book will tell our children that we seek God’s protection for them, when out of their reach; and therefore, encourage our loved ones to cling to God themselves, when in danger. Are You A “Jay”, When Crossing The Street? will assure our children they are never alone.

THE IMPORTANCE OF THE “JAYWALKING” SUBJECT. Every one and a half hours, a pedestrian gets killed by a car. In 2015, a total of 5,376 pedestrians died, and 129,000 were treated in emergency departments. Wet/Icy grounds; darkness; inattentive, unskilled, and/or drugged drivers; and malfunctioning vehicles can all add to this data, making of committing a jaywalking crime a risk beyond financial loss; making of it a life risk. Are You A “Jay”, When Crossing The Street? awakens pedestrians to the preciousness of their lives.

YES, YOU CAN REMEMBER: “Are you too young, old, or distracted to remember information?” “Did a brain injury, or post traumatic stress disorder affect your memory?” “Were you diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease?” The memory techniques displayed in Are You A “Jay”, When Crossing The Street? are meant to lead you to memorizing its plot despite your mental disabilities; it works because it contains visual, auditory, and kinesthetic cues; homographs (Words with same spelling, but differing meanings); and repetition. Before giving up on your memory, give this book a try; it might happily surprise you!

Punctuation, how does it work? (And yes, the cover’s bad enough to be here on its own.)

BLURB: Get In-Tuit: Develop Your Intuition Rapidly

Develop your intuition for business and life… Ever since Dr. Jay Polmar was a child, he believed in intuition, and in his teen years, he had numerous experiments in the laws of physics which showed him that a rapidly moving force coming in contact with a barrier of sufficient size and weight, causes cranial injuries and over time – recognition of intuition. Starting at age 19, those experiences of being in a rapidly moving Karmann Ghia in a downpour coming in contact with the back of a stopped Dodge Station wagon, opened Jay’s consciousness – 16 stitches in the head, and not knowing who he was, he was put on a bus from Jamesburg, NJ where we was stitched up in a doctor’s basement in 1965 – back to an address on his driver’s license. Bloody bandages and dizzy, he opened to a whole new world. Although he’d read books about intuition and to develop it, it wasn’t until age 31 that he had the experience of trusting that intuition. He’s intuitively written over 60 books that have helped almost hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. At age 67, Dr. Jay Polmar put together the techniques he learned and practiced in these 45+ years that opened Dr. Jay’s intuition. – Special meditations – Suggestions and Visualization – Quick Study Methods You won’t have to crack your head open, it’s been designed to feel as good as a visit to the beach. Just enjoy!

TL;DR: The best way to intuition is major head trauma!

BLURB: Amazing – I’m on Amazon

You have a book in you, you can’t get it out. This is the guide to writing, editing, typesetting, layout, designing, putting your book on Amazon, and elsewhere. A guide to putting your book online, getting it printed – even printers who will do ONE copy, and how to start marketing your book. Dr. Jay Polmar works with author’s every day helping them get on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kindle, Nook, Apple, and in catalogs and bookstore.

You can tell he’s a professional because he “works with author’s.”


BLURB: All Outcomes Are Acceptable

This book was inspired by true events. The narrator is a contrived character called “I” who often mistakes himself as separate from the Universe, God, or whatever. In this book, I infiltrate factory schooling, take many benzos, make $1 million, eat a rattlesnake, battle AGI drones, and live with Amish people.

What focuses the mind is love, survival, and delusions of grandeur.

I (the “I” that is me) have no idea what you just said.

The Fantastic Trips of a Cosmic Angel

The Fantastic Trips of a Cosmic Angel

Point #1: I think what we’re looking at is the posterior of a young lady in a bikini bottom, sitting athwart her suitor’s lap.

Point #2: Here’s the description

Context-Medicine-Compilation-Expressionism-Impressionism-Creation-Space A Literary-Poetry collage, mosaic, multi-dimensional fractals, memes, Critical thinking- concepts, interpretation, magical*holograms, mixing, graffiti, meditation, synchronicity~Dialectic spells are left outside Rumi’s flower garden of natural free bliss. Darkness is leveraged by art, light into Cosmic Consciousness vibration~