WELCOMING GOD’S PROTECTION: Though our children’s superhero, we, parents, can’t protect them from all harms, like when an intruder invades their school. God, on the other hand, can; as He can be in all places at all times. This book will tell our children that we seek God’s protection for them, when out of their reach; and therefore, encourage our loved ones to cling to God themselves, when in danger. Are You A “Jay”, When Crossing The Street? will assure our children they are never alone.
THE IMPORTANCE OF THE “JAYWALKING” SUBJECT. Every one and a half hours, a pedestrian gets killed by a car. In 2015, a total of 5,376 pedestrians died, and 129,000 were treated in emergency departments. Wet/Icy grounds; darkness; inattentive, unskilled, and/or drugged drivers; and malfunctioning vehicles can all add to this data, making of committing a jaywalking crime a risk beyond financial loss; making of it a life risk. Are You A “Jay”, When Crossing The Street? awakens pedestrians to the preciousness of their lives.
YES, YOU CAN REMEMBER: “Are you too young, old, or distracted to remember information?” “Did a brain injury, or post traumatic stress disorder affect your memory?” “Were you diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease?” The memory techniques displayed in Are You A “Jay”, When Crossing The Street? are meant to lead you to memorizing its plot despite your mental disabilities; it works because it contains visual, auditory, and kinesthetic cues; homographs (Words with same spelling, but differing meanings); and repetition. Before giving up on your memory, give this book a try; it might happily surprise you!
Punctuation, how does it work? (And yes, the cover’s bad enough to be here on its own.)