Category - Blurbs

BLURB: It Only Hurts When I Laugh

Remove your shoes and wade in for fun and nostalgia. Do you like sports, boilermakers, champagne, and cruising? It’s a smorgasbord. Enjoy random, quirky flashbacks. Plunge in for pleasant episodes. Drift from radio to iPad. Take what you like and leave the rest.

Fun and a few tears are stirred and served.

I think I shall leave it all, thanks.

BLURB: Catalytic Quotes


Had Albert Einstein and Arsenio Hall lived at one and the same time, could it have been something the latter said—“Jack Sajak, as an emcee, is square!”—to provide the former with the breakthrough for his now world-renowned equation, E=mc2?

Had The Beatles and Adolf Hitler met, the latter commenting off-handedly, “Yes, I did once get Meyer Rothschild’s attention by screaming, ‘Hey Jude!’”—could the idea for the former’s famous song have taken root, right then and there?

Let me try one: What if this book were good?