I am impressed by this author’s abilities to have so many covers which are all horrible in different ways.
(originally posted December 6, 2017)
I am impressed by this author’s abilities to have so many covers which are all horrible in different ways.
(originally posted December 6, 2017)
Sleeping Dogs Lie (A Panama Parker Adventure Book 4)
North, to Alaska, go north, the rush is on! After the discovery of an old diary, Panama Parker sets out for Skagway, to unearth the truth about a family mystery. As he travels, in and out of the past, wolves, bar fights, and an entire Alaskan town seem determined to foil his search…
What the huh what?
(originally posted June 29, 2019)
Or maybe it’s “The The Avenger Avenger.” And what does that pullquote at the top even mean?
(originally posted December 4, 2015)
The dead have risen, and they’ve eaten all the good fonts!
(originally posted July 8, 2012)
Forefathers & Founding Fathers
Because nothing says “historic” fiction like a tomato splat.
(originally posted February 11, 2017)