And now, a moment of shameless commerce and self-promotion! The Rise and Fall of Senator Bear, the third CheapCaffeine print edition, is finally available for purchase on Amazon! Makes a great stocking stuffer, or so I’m told…
Category - Admin Stuff
I was contacted through Facebook by one Robert Dulworth, publisher of this rather unusual channeled “Bible.” (It was only some detective work on my part that related his complaint below to that specific cover, but I doubt that he’d object to his name being mentioned here, as he’s fiercely proud of having published said work — also, as of this writing, of contributing the only “customer review” on Amazon, in which he misspelled the psychic channeler’s name.. but I digress.) For your reading pleasure:
At which point the conversation ceased, alas.
(BTW, it’s only “free” if you’re on Kindle Unlimited. Otherwise, it’ll set you back $9.99.)
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What say you, LBC denizens? Should we be on that newfangled Instagram thing where all the teenieboppers are these days?