Category - Admin Stuff

ADMIN: Buggeration.

Hey y’all,

Sorry if posts are showing up willy-nilly (for instance I know that New Cover For Old Day XXX has shown up a day early). My post scheduler has decided to play by its own rules.

Also, in case you were wondering, yes, the new format the Amazon started using this week for some ebook previews IS a bother to work around. But I endeavor to persevere.

ADMIN: The First Annual Lousies, Round 2!

Okay, you lucky people! You’ve voted, and now… you get to vote some more!

I’ve taken the top three contenders voted from each month in 2020*, and put them into this cage match with each other.  Now pick your top three overall, and in a week’s time we’ll be able to narrow it to the Top Ten Bad Covers of 2020!

*In the case of a tie, I picked the cover with the most comments on its original post. Voting transparency is my middle name!

ADMIN: The First Annual LOUSIES Awards!


By popular demand! There were many notably bad book covers posted in 2020, but which were the absolute WORST? We’ll let you, the reader, decide in our first extra-unscientific and only moderately secure voting mechanism!

Here’s how it works:

Each link below goes to one month’s worth of posted covers. You may pick UP TO THREE on each month for qualifying status. (I’ve only included the covers that got at least one comment when originally posted.)

On January 15th, I’ll post Round Two.

If I need to after that, I’ll post a further eliminating round. (Democracy is hard.)

And on February 2nd, just in time to frighten groundhogs, I’ll post the Ten Ten Worst Covers posted in 2020!

The ballots: