Category - Admin Stuff

ADMIN: The Second Annual LOUSIES Awards!

Welcome back to another travesty of democracy!

Here’s how it works:

On each of the next twelve days, I’ll post a ballot of one month’s worth of posted covers. You may pick UP TO THREE as the worst on each month for qualifying status. (As with last year, I’ve only included the covers that got at least one comment when originally posted.)  All ballots will remain open until January 15th.

On January 16th, I’ll post Round Two, bringing those covers from each ballot together in one final ballot.

And on January 31st, I’ll post the ten worst covers posted in 2021!

January 2021 Ballot


SPECIAL FEATURE: Gary L.M. is very disappointed in you.

I’ve seen this guy’s books promoted all over the place, but it wasn’t until reader Ever pointed it out to me that I saw this “open letter” in his Amazon “about” page:

An open letter to my fellow scifi/fantasy writers.

Dear, dear friends:

You are awful. All of you. (Yes, ALL OF YOU!)

Please do not take it personally. But someone has to tell you this, and it might as well be me.

You suffer from three key deficits: LACK OF IMAGINATION, LACK OF EMPATHY, and LACK OF SELF-AWARENESS.

First, your lack of IMAGINATION.

99% of scifi/fantasy novels can be categorized as follows:

a) “Hip”, “Modern Day” Fantasy: “diverse” teenagers with magical powers fighting vampires in urban settings.

b) Teenagers suffering deprivation in a post-nuclear wasteland;

c) The so-called “epic” fantasy novel, with “world building” expecting you to learn the history of hundreds of characters, castles, cities and taverns like a History of Art exam.

d) Everyone fighting World War II again, in outer space; and

e) “Hard” scifi, with 500 pages of hand wringing and mental _asturbation about a transmission from an alien sphere (or… if you’re feeling imaginative… an alien cube!).

Not only are these topics very, very trite, but your rendition of them is even worse. You’re like a bad photocopy machine making worse and worse copies which themselves are bad copies of other copies.

Go ahead and read the rest of it. (It continues for another thousand words.)

This, I should point out, is a writer whose illustrious books look like this:

So, you know, “consider the source” and all that.

ADMIN: Housekeeping.

Just a note: I know the site has been getting slower. It’s a combination of having an image-heavy site that’s now much larger than WordPress was originally designed to handle well, plus cheap hosting.  In the effort to streamline things, I’ve disabled several plugins that only need to be turned on when specifically used, I’ve used a few tools to streamline JavaScript and CSS, and — most visibly — I’ve turned off the ads.  They were the biggest single barrier to page speed, and they weren’t especially lucrative for all that.

However, that means that the only funds that this website brings in are through the Amazon Associate links (not that it’s ever been envisioned as a money-making proposition, but still). So your use of LCS’s Amazon affiliate links — such as the one in the sidebar — are greatly appreciated.

ADMIN: The recent interruption.

Just to update all on recent happenings: No, the just-ended 48-hour suspension of all my sites was not a consequence of a second attempt at a DMCA takedown by our recent favorite author; instead, it was a consequence of the FIRST DMCA takedown, compounded by the fact that HostGator is incompetent — labeling tickets as closed when they’re open, claiming to have sent me messages that are not received, imposing extra requirements after having approved previous actions, and not positioning their first-level tech support to actually be able to see what the problem is, and instead tell customers just to wait until “the admins” get around to it (which, experience has shown, never happens unless there is further badgering).

As far as I know, we are back to normal.  As a consequence, the auto-posting schedule here at LBC has continued even during the suspension (indeed, because I had no access to the backend, there was no way to shut the auto-posting off), so enjoy a few days’ of posts to catch up.