Cattails reflect. Nothing else does.
Author - Nathan
When Chief Warrant Officer Mike Duggins and his SpecOps team are assigned to a DARPA black site, their reality is changed in the blink of an eye, leaving them in an unrecognizable world, stalked by massive, draconic predators. With only his team, untested Mech Armor, and DARPA techs keeping the cunning predators at bay, they will have to employ every tactic they know in order to survive or risk becoming prey for the hostile carnivores. Can 5 experienced warriors and the DARPA tech team outsmart and outwit an enemy like no other they’ve seen before and find their way back home? About the Author I’m currently an over the road truck driver, frequently found at the end of a 400 to 500 mile day trying to peck out one to two thousand words on a new book. I’m an Army paratrooper with a background in intelligence operations. I spent six years in Iraq and Afghanistan, in uniform and out. Currently, my greatest challenges are black ice, lake effect snow, and uploading word documents to the ebook format, all equally treacherous endeavors. My greatest hope is to write stories that my readers enjoy.
Thanks, but I prefer my authors to have figured out paragraphing.
This is it! The final ballot of the worst covers of 2024, made up of the three worst covers posted from each month of the year. Vote for your top (bottom) three, and on March 3rd we’ll unveil to the world the ultimate horrors of 2024!
Vox populi, vox derp!