Cadomin: The Adventures of Billy Boy
The color scheme looks like it’s a test for color blindness, and the cabin looks like it divided by zero.
Cadomin: The Adventures of Billy Boy
The color scheme looks like it’s a test for color blindness, and the cabin looks like it divided by zero.
“the cabin looks like it divided by zero.”
Ha! 😀
I double your Ha! 🙂 and raise you one Bwah!
Judging by the cabin, Billy Boy’s adventure isn’t all that great and ends poorly.
Dueling banjos. Can’t you just hear em’?
I’m actually referring to the early ’70s classic masterpiece “Deliverance” staring Burt Reynols and Ned Beatty and a WHOLE bunch of local hickified toothless wonders. The famous song from the movie is called “Dueling Banjos” where these two dudes that are clearly the by product of incest (I’m not kidding) battle it out with their banjo solos. Anyway, the Tiltin’ Hilton on this cover brings to mind that precious little ditty. Thanks for caring.
Soon to be released as the major motion picture “Swayback Cabin”.
Well now everyone knows about the mini black hole testing site.
vIbrAtINg letters…AHHHH! make them stop! Look away. Don’t look directly into the cabin, erm, shed? Kindling pile, more like.