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8 years ago

Those reflections… wow. Never knew that sand could do that, but that lower wave of water can’t. The little kid’s reflection is kind of “peek-under-the-dress” creepy. Just yuck! Plus the reflections seem to reveal another universe where all four of them are cut off at the thigh and wearing bloomers too.

Probably would have worked better as fake shadows… well, at least not as offensive. And I won’t even get into the blue power wrapping its tendrils around the older child.


8 years ago

It’s a novel written by another novel!

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago

This cover is odd. I’ve been with folks on the beaches of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico and have never seen reflections in the surf like that. I’ve never seen a reflecting pool effect at the beach.

People who cut’n’paste elements into lousy book covers need to get out and look at real people in the real world.

8 years ago

My mommy walks on water!

Jason Black
8 years ago

Quite a shame. I edited one of her earlier books, and can say that her writing deserves far better than this.