Death in the Australian Outback March 6, 2014NathanCovers8 Comments Death in the Australian Outback And there’s a whole series of these, in case it, you know, appeals to you. (h/t Penny) art for a refrigerator Previous postNew Covers For Old: The Return, Part IV Next post2260: Journal of a Runner
All I can say is Yikes!
You call that a gun?
This ‘ere is a gun
~~ Whips out AK-47, shoots eyelash (and attached head) off the model for the above. ~~
LOL. Crocodile Dundee to the rescue! 🙂
Blonds should use sun screen.
He has boobs.
Is that why he’s angry? He has a bad sun burn plus man-boobs? Maybe they’re chafing.
He also appears to have leaping, creeping underarm hair. Maybe that’s what he’s stalking with that bigg-a$$ gun. Dude, it’s there, by your elbow, masquerading as initials or sumpin’!
(Anyone else hearing Bad to the Bone sung by chipmunks?)
My gun is bigger than your gun.