Have You Seen Alice


Have You Seen Alice

And more importantly, can you UNsee her?

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James F. Brown
James F. Brown
11 years ago

Shouldn’t there be a question mark at the end of the title?

What’s the book about? What genre? No clue on the cover.

Michael Waller
Michael Waller
11 years ago

How can the moon be shining in a thunderstorm…. oh. Boy, does she have a big arse.

I get nothing from this cover that she is an android and that this is an alien invasion.

11 years ago
Reply to  Michael Waller

It should be titled ‘Have you seen Alice’s Arse?’

11 years ago

Awfully phallic looking trash bin beside her as well.

john harvey
11 years ago

How ’bout that escher-like window frame – cut into the wall, it still manages to cast a shadow.