Not so much twigs as human-shaped stick insects. And massive glow is *always* a good choice to make a font ‘pop’.
11 years ago
Hey, you could make the case that this filled your daily LBC quota for the day.
11 years ago
Once upon a time there was a boy treed by a giant dragon. He tried to call for help to the campers down below but they had problems of their own. With their feet heavily charred by their own campfire, they couldn’t respond to the poor boy’s cries of distress. There was only one thing they could do – put on a talent show and hope to attract the rare and tiny Fruitfly Fairy.
3.25 covers in one. 😉
Not so much twigs as human-shaped stick insects. And massive glow is *always* a good choice to make a font ‘pop’.
Hey, you could make the case that this filled your daily LBC quota for the day.
Once upon a time there was a boy treed by a giant dragon. He tried to call for help to the campers down below but they had problems of their own. With their feet heavily charred by their own campfire, they couldn’t respond to the poor boy’s cries of distress. There was only one thing they could do – put on a talent show and hope to attract the rare and tiny Fruitfly Fairy.
Yeah, I was kinda worried about the feet on fire thing.
Hi, My daughter drw the cover.
Sorry you guys did notlike.
The urge to show off your kids’ art is understandable, but the cover of your book is what makes or breaks a reader’s interest.
Good luck with your writing.
I sadly choose the font