Mail Order Bride: Walking To The Six Gun Samurai Cowboy


Mail Order Bride: Walking To The Six Gun Samurai Cowboy

Now THERE’S a cross-pollination I wasn’t expecting… (h/t Bruce)

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Don Reed
Don Reed
9 years ago

Poor fellow ought to work out more often. But I admire what he uses to shave with – is that a “Norelco” blade?

9 years ago

When the full title of your book won’t fit on your cover because you don’t want to obliterate the six-gun samurai cowboy’s forehead, it’s time to re-think your design.

9 years ago

I might read “Ninja Prepper Mail Order Bride vs. Six Gun Samurai Cowboy.”

Sneaky Burrito
9 years ago
Reply to  red

Not enough wolves for me…

L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
9 years ago

That’s not a bloody Samurai, that’s Dave From Down The Pub after a few beers!