Blood and Fire: The Draconos Saga Volume 1 October 22, 2017NathanCovers6 Comments Blood and Fire: The Draconos Saga Volume 1 No, not the famous Paolini who writes about dragons. The other one. busybusybusy MS Paint reborn! Previous postKeys to Tetouan Next postAm I Beautiful?
You’re kidding. That’s gotta be a name-mooch. Like naming yourself “Bob Rowling” if you write about child wizards, right? (Looks). Nope, this guy claims it’s his actual name, and apparently, this is a dragons/dragonriders versus Vampires novel.
Yup, you read that right.
Is this kinda like the Stephen King novelist who is not the Stephen King, but that’s the name on his DL?
That would still be better writen that twilight
The new furry green eco-dragons have a much smaller carbon footprint than those old red scaly internal combustion models.
This cover gives me a headache.
Probably unsafe for those afflicted with epilepsy.