Hell to Pay: A Journey to Apacheria 1886 July 15, 2017NathanCovers6 Comments Hell to Pay: A Journey to Apacheria 1886 A novel set in 1886, with bad flash photography on the cover? Whatever. font boredom instamatic Previous postGemini Next postLove’s Race To The Future
Do you think that old Barb here knows that the Nde consider the Apacheria the only concentration camp in the world that was established in the 19th century and still existing today?
Guessing NOT.
I was absolutely certain that the horse was vomiting electricity.
I thought the same thing. Then I tried vomiting electricity, but sadly all that came out was peach schnaaps and chunky bits of hot dogs.
Not nearly as cool as spitting up lightning.
Awesome, a close-up of the nostrils of a terrified-looking horse. Just beautiful.
Oh, no, the horsey is going to hell? What for? Hay Gluttony?
21 Jan 2017 we were treated to Tomahawk Trail: A Journey to Apacheria in 1885. At this rate, by December we’ll be in 1887.