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10 years ago

If anyone is stupid enough to pay Authorhouse literally thousands of dollars to publish their book for them, then this level of competency is what they deserve.

Wendy Christopher
10 years ago
Reply to  Kris

So THIS is an Authorhouse effort, is it? Wow, glad about the heads-up! They’ve been spamming me about publishing my book for me ever since I made a tentative enquiry about their prices… in spite of me telling them I haven’t even finished WRITING it yet. I consider myself duly warned, and for that I thank you!

10 years ago

What’s with all the vertical lines? It’s from 2005. Was the cover scanned in? And the text on the inside isn’t level. Was it scanned, too?

10 years ago

I think the hand holding the wine glass is inside out. Or gangsters broke his thumb. But then looking at the rest of the pic, the condition of that hand is the least of the problems.

john e. . .
10 years ago
Reply to  Sirona

No kidding – The perspective makes it look like Mr. Brown Jacket is performing an illegal act (at least in Texas) on Mr. Blue Jacket.