Shakespeare on the Roof


Shakespeare on the Roof

From the Amazon description:

This is an Action Adventure par excellence with the critical component a heart stopping romance not since Elizabeth and Darcy has the attraction between man and woman been so profound and it only gets better with the soon to be published sequel IN BED WITH JANE AUSTIN..

So there’s that.

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Kristopher Neidecker
10 years ago

So – how do folks know phrases like “par excellence” but fail at basic grammar?
I hope it is a trilogy ending with ‘Marry Shelley in the Pirate Ship’. “A most excellent and many exciting conclusion deus ex machina with the most powerful attraction between a goat and three small hedgehogs it will blow your socks off”

10 years ago

Whoever drew that image must have misunderstood the title to be “Shakespeare With A Gun”.

That summary makes me want to take up a collection and buy the author some punctuation.

10 years ago
Reply to  Tia

Or lessons in basic grammar.

10 years ago

He should have a fiddle not a gun.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago

The fingers on the gun look like sausages.

10 years ago

The sad thing about this is that the writer is clearly very unprofessional. I can’t speak for the actual story, but just looking at the sample on Amazon, this person has no clue how to use correct grammar and punctuation (the opening sentence of the book is a run-on). His description is a disgrace and even his bio is totally unprofessional (people want to know a short description of your credentials, not a self-centered story about what your dad did for a living).

It got 2 5-star reviews, probably from the author’s friends and/or family.

It is just this kind of ebook that gives self-publishing a bad name.
