Dystopian Stand January 16, 2017NathanCovers7 Comments Dystopian Stand I…don’t know what to say. busybusybusy layers upon layers pixelation WordArt WTF Previous postThe Brain Vault Next postSPECIAL FEATURE: The Covers of S M Mala
> I…don’t know what to say.
Maybe because you don’t know what you’re looking at? Because I sure don’t.
I know what we’re looking at: a mess. Bet Angela’s a hoot at parties.
I swear it’s a line of cars devolving/evolving into a log flume or other amusement park ride . . .
She dropped the “Apocalypse Author” part of her name, hmmm.
Is that the last train to Clarksville?
It’s like somebody put a Ross Richdale cover in a blender.
She put the word “author” there just in case we thought Angela White was the cleaning lady.