How many copies of MY book do i have to sell before I can slap “#1 International Best Selling Series” on the cover? Is there a council or organization I need to apply to for this?
Three copies. Send one each to the former Yugoslavia, one to the former Siam, and one to the former (anyplace else), and kablammo! Instant “International Bestseller.”
Naaman Brown
8 years ago
Honestly I had not read or heard of Lawrence Kelter (or Nelson DeMille) or had simply not paid attention, so a cover that gave me 1980’s flashbacks of the Macintosh 512 screen font was not a good intro.
I now see that same cover template is used for a lot of Kelter’s books. For people who know his work it’s consistent branding. Newbie me am attracted to an eye-catching image complemented by the text, not overwelmed by it.
The neon blue applied to the steps? There’s a night club upstairs?
early Robert Ludlum? Hoe early I wonder – just woken up by neighbours’ dog at 5 am early perhaps?
Is that “early” as in, “before he was good enough to be published?”
How many copies of MY book do i have to sell before I can slap “#1 International Best Selling Series” on the cover? Is there a council or organization I need to apply to for this?
Three copies. Send one each to the former Yugoslavia, one to the former Siam, and one to the former (anyplace else), and kablammo! Instant “International Bestseller.”
Honestly I had not read or heard of Lawrence Kelter (or Nelson DeMille) or had simply not paid attention, so a cover that gave me 1980’s flashbacks of the Macintosh 512 screen font was not a good intro.
I now see that same cover template is used for a lot of Kelter’s books. For people who know his work it’s consistent branding. Newbie me am attracted to an eye-catching image complemented by the text, not overwelmed by it.
The neon blue applied to the steps? There’s a night club upstairs?