The Nine-Diamond Ring May 21, 2014NathanCovers7 Comments The Nine-Diamond Ring My meds. Where did you put them? bad font choice busybusybusy pixelation readability Previous postHunters’ Quest Next postAndy Venture & the Big Blob of Slime
I see 1 diamond – where’s the ring?
Red font over a mess of a collage does not a readable title make.
Jesus Christ… What in the world was the author thinking?
I think I’m in danger of developing Red Font Phobia. Or Red Font Rage syndrome. Or Red Font Derangement Disorder.
Good gravy, what an unholy mess. It’s like a mental illness vomited onto the page.
It looks like one of those hidden object pictures. Sadly I cannot find eight more diamonds or a ring (or a clue as to what the book is about).
As a proofreader, I’m pleased to see they got the hyphenation right.
Unfortunately, that’s all they got right.