Not only does cut’n’paste allow the combination of geological features that never existed in nature, cut’n’paste allows the combination of geological features and castle construction that would not be approved for a building permit.
Aw, ya never know: it might have been happily standing in the middle of a plain and then there was this massive landslip right next to it (that’s probably what woke the dragon).
L-Plate Pen
8 years ago
Because no place-name chills the blood like ‘Creeporia!’
Not only does cut’n’paste allow the combination of geological features that never existed in nature, cut’n’paste allows the combination of geological features and castle construction that would not be approved for a building permit.
Aw, ya never know: it might have been happily standing in the middle of a plain and then there was this massive landslip right next to it (that’s probably what woke the dragon).
Because no place-name chills the blood like ‘Creeporia!’
You’d kinda think people would want to escape from a place with a name like Creeporia.
If they do, let’s hope they don’t come back here.
Honest to god, right? Who in the name of holy HELL world-builds around a place named CREEPORIA???
Jesus. And is that thing in the sky a dragon or an insect?
Maybe it’s better than the place next door: Craporia.
Maybe they’re fleeing somewhere worse and escaping to Creeporia is an improvement?
You mean that neighboring city of Diptheria?
“So spend a night in Dildo if you think you’ve got the time!”