The Horny Shooter May 15, 2014NathanCovers6 Comments The Horny Shooter I live in a world in which this exists. aspect ratio bad font choice cut and paste font overload pixelation Previous postWonderland Next postHow I Remain Slim
I’m afraid to even ask what “S.W.A.G” stands for . . .
When does a double entendré stop being a double entendré?
An old western style font and a cityscape in the background and the rest just fuzzy crap. Crikey. It’s criminal all right…
FFS Is there a ‘who can make the ugliest cover’ contest and no one told me?
“A Criminal Romance.”
Yeah, it sure is criminal, in every way. 😉
Sorry, but I saw the words ‘S.W.A.G PRODUCTIONS’ and instantly became the mother that could love this book-kid 😉