Wonderland May 14, 2014NathanCovers7 Comments Wonderland Ignore the obvious and join me in asking, Where is the rest of her cranium? cut and paste filteriffic seizure risk Previous postEternal Love Next postThe Horny Shooter
Had to hold my hand over “the obvious” to see what you were talking about. Probably lost to the same effect that caused “the obvious.”
The Flash visits a nudist colony?
I think someone is trying to master the art of cloning themselves like an amoeba.
Where is the rest of her cranium?
In a jar next to the bed. What a silly question. 😉
I keep seeing the author’s name as Dave Matthews Band.
I’m afraid. Hold me.
Oh my god, his face actually MOVES if you scan across the blur! It’s like a Magic Eye cover, how did he even DO that?