The Page: The Year of the Dragons
I don’t know where the idea came from that superimposing weapons on unrelated photographs is “exciting.”
The Page: The Year of the Dragons
I don’t know where the idea came from that superimposing weapons on unrelated photographs is “exciting.”
And how about that “original” sword too! I’ve never seen that Narsil before.
This cover says nothing. The Page? I imagine its about knights, but the landscape in the background is so generic and boring. There’s also a golden thing I can’t read. It seems to say “Fortiter” whatever that is. What relevance does it have to the book or the rest of the cover?
Oho. And now that I’ve enlarged it as far as I can on my phone, there’s a tiny tiny flying thing that must be a dragon. I completely missed it at first. If its important to the story it needs to be much bigger.
It’s a clan badge, Google search shows it’s clan McAllister. Not entirely sure of the relevance of the author’s own name to the book.
Huh. I guess he’s proud of his family, but why should I care?
I’ll wait for Page 2.
Ummm, Page as in Messenger? So is he (or she) the sword, the dragon, the drop of blood, or the tall tree on the right?
Big sword. Teeny tiny dragon. Good cover job…
Oh, that’s the dragon on the right – I thought it was a bird or something.
If this is a romance, this needs a dude with chiseled abs. If this epic fantasy…well, the realistic background doesn’t have that fantasy feel to it.
If it’s the latter, what’s wrong with just using the sword on the cover? And drop the clan thingie – I wouldn’t have even known what that was if someone else hadn’t said what it was.
Plus, the fonts are boring.
Look out! The floating sword stabbed the sky and now there’s blood on it!