All God’s Children. 21st century sex.: Fictional battle on Planet Neutron Americans chosen to stop the extermination by one alien zelot cult from wipeing out an indiginious people.
Too bad you’re not eyeless, too, in this instance! 🙂
8 years ago
Seriously, 19 pages for $2.99?
Maybe if they used double spacing, if would round out to 20 pages.
And it’s listed for grades 5-12?
8 years ago
Good font choice.
Naaman Brown
8 years ago
When the Amazon title blurb alone has three misspelled words (zelot for zealot, wipeing for wiping, indiginious for indigenous), my desire to read more or even Look Inside! is diminished. Especially when $2.99 for a Kindle or PDF can buy a short story collection or anthology. $2.99 for one short story?
Yeah, this one’s just sad, really. I mean yeah, it’s lousy too, but it’s sad.
Dellani Oakes
8 years ago
This sounds very like the plot of a book I was asked to read for my former publisher. He chose not to publish it after I told him it sounded like an intergalactic, alien sex romp.
Think you need a new tag – “Oh, the spelling!”
When you’ve got all that in the title, who needs to read the book?
-Daleks from Doctor Who
My absolute favorite part, though, is this:
No, REALLY? You don’t say, who’da thunk it?
To be fair, if it didn’t say “fictional” I would have assumed it to be the ravings of a madman who believed every word to be true.
I’m speechless.
@ katz
Too bad you’re not eyeless, too, in this instance! 🙂
Seriously, 19 pages for $2.99?
Maybe if they used double spacing, if would round out to 20 pages.
And it’s listed for grades 5-12?
Good font choice.
When the Amazon title blurb alone has three misspelled words (zelot for zealot, wipeing for wiping, indiginious for indigenous), my desire to read more or even Look Inside! is diminished. Especially when $2.99 for a Kindle or PDF can buy a short story collection or anthology. $2.99 for one short story?
It just screams “mental health issues.”
Yeah, this one’s just sad, really. I mean yeah, it’s lousy too, but it’s sad.
This sounds very like the plot of a book I was asked to read for my former publisher. He chose not to publish it after I told him it sounded like an intergalactic, alien sex romp.