As the River Rises: The Rain Falls
(Or, as the title appears on Amazon, As The River Rises: As The Rain Falls The River Rises (The Floral Covenant).)
Pro Tip: The only interesting part of your cover illustration should NOT be where you place your title.
Bonus: Nobody cares about your marital status.
But… but… but… the sky… so much… area right there…
This cover would be passable, although the artwork likely stolen from someone, if they just moved up that box.
Mind boggling.
What I thought too.
The cover art is lovely – so why is she covering it up with that silly box? She should move the title and subtitle to the top, because there’s plenty of room up there for both, and move her name to the bottom (or somewhere in the middle).
Get rid of the box!
And the font choice (choices?) seem kind of dull.
I’m going to give the Missus the benefit of the doubt and believe she meant to have the title box up at the top but something went wrong during the upload.
Is no one going to even mention the cat? Or that Mrs. Warrior seems to be riding it backwards?
Um, even if the title got moved up to the blank space *and* she removed her irrelevant marital status… The asking price would still be ultra steep, at about $35 for 200 pages…
Oh God, that sample. :/
I confess, I thought that too. And THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS for the ‘privelege’??! Seriously?
(Although having said that, I noticed there were ‘used’ copies available, which means some people must have actually forked over the full price for it at some point. I really need to stop trying to understand this world, I think…)
Good way to ruin a perfectly serviceable illustration. And the description in Amazon is utterly illegible.
I don’t mind the cover but please get rid of that box and move the text up!
Needs more tigers.