Font count? = Never too many
Prince Symbol? = This is classy stuff
Sexy Lips + Blood? = BIG SALES
But so many things have been left off! No Wolfie. No headless torsos, all those fonts, and still no Comic Sans?
But is there some phallic imagery? You tell me; but I don’t see any blood coming out of that disco ball. That knife may be there for a different reason. And you don’t need to be Freud to understand The Prince symbol + lightning bolts = happy man bits.
Cool. Another ripoff. This time from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
They used one of these
A stabbed disco ball. IMO all disco balls should be stabbed.
Font count? = Never too many
Prince Symbol? = This is classy stuff
Sexy Lips + Blood? = BIG SALES
But so many things have been left off! No Wolfie. No headless torsos, all those fonts, and still no Comic Sans?
But is there some phallic imagery? You tell me; but I don’t see any blood coming out of that disco ball. That knife may be there for a different reason. And you don’t need to be Freud to understand The Prince symbol + lightning bolts = happy man bits.