Coming soon, for real this time:!

Other projects keep distracting me (which means they must be fascinating, which means you want to know all about them, which means I’ll let you know when they reach fruition, but try to stay focused here), but the long-promised — a site for the constructive critiquing of indie-publishers’ submitted covers — is finally nearing launch.

Two things I need before launch that I think some of y’all could help me procure (and would delight in doing so, even):

1) Covers! I really don’t want to put up an empty website, so I need some inaugural covers submitted for critique.  If any of you have a cover in the works for a book you’re working on, or if you have a friend in such a position, please send them here.  And yes, you may repost this in appropriate forus.

2) Designers! No, will emphatically NOT be a venue for cover designers to troll for new clients.  However, I will have a page of links to designers’ pages for self-publishers who are looking to hire it out.  Obviously, I will make no warranties as to any individual designer’s skills, pricing, or suitability for any particular project.

If you want to participate in either of these capacities, please contact me at nshumate at gmail dot com.

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11 years ago

Outstanding, Nathan! Just sent you an email. I’m also available as a fill-in critic should the need ever arise. 😉

Paul Briggs
11 years ago

What about already-published covers? (I don’t think mine is bad enough for Lousy Book Covers, but I don’t know if it’s as good as I want it to be.)