Love the jaunty angle! Is this what people mean when they talk about ‘swinging’?
Naaman Brown
8 years ago
The author’s name disappears at the usual internet “recommended” or “readers also bought this” ad sizes and definitely at thumbnail ad. Not a good idea if you want to sell at Amazon and other internet venues.
L-Plate Pen
8 years ago
What in the heck are we supposed to think this book is about from this cover??!
At first I thought I was some kind of a knobby plant growing out of the pot… But then I thought, nah, can’t be that, no leaves at the top, just some kind of a fixture. It has to be a lamp. Didn’t even occur to me that something could be pouring into the ‘flower pot’ instead of growing out of it.
It looks like the ice tea dispenser at the local gun club. Or I want to see it as the tea dispenser because hot coffee in styrofoam tastes funny to me.
Love the jaunty angle! Is this what people mean when they talk about ‘swinging’?
The author’s name disappears at the usual internet “recommended” or “readers also bought this” ad sizes and definitely at thumbnail ad. Not a good idea if you want to sell at Amazon and other internet venues.
What in the heck are we supposed to think this book is about from this cover??!
It’s clearly about how to offset your planet’s centre of gravity so that tea pours at an angle 🙂
That’s TEA? I thought it was some weird designer lamp with a plant pot as a base in front of a trash bin.
It’s obviously tea. There are two and half lumps in it.
At first I thought I was some kind of a knobby plant growing out of the pot… But then I thought, nah, can’t be that, no leaves at the top, just some kind of a fixture. It has to be a lamp. Didn’t even occur to me that something could be pouring into the ‘flower pot’ instead of growing out of it.
Beats the crap out of me. I mean. Home Groupies? People obsessed with your home? House addicts?
Unbelievably dense, this cover, in every possible way.
Coffee machine doesn’t even look like a coffee machine. Lousy book cover idea, but poorly executed bad idea (is there such a thing?)
It looks like the ice tea dispenser at the local gun club. Or I want to see it as the tea dispenser because hot coffee in styrofoam tastes funny to me.