At first I thought a suburb had been invaded by a flying saucer carrying a huge banana. Hi-res zoom-in I see that is a logo for “Bent Banana Books BBB”. Publisher’s logo should not be part of the picture, but part of the frame, preferably sitting in an upper corner, and large enough to be clearly identifiable.
Since she knows her colleagues would lampoon her “erratic ability” if they knew, wouldn’t she be battling for acceptance?
If she battles with acceptance, why wouldn’t she want her colleagues to accept her ability? Does she have a martyrdom complex?
Which raises the question: how does she know her ability “will be lampooned by her hard-bitten colleagues”? Is she psychic?
L-Plate Pen
8 years ago
Oh no – the Reluctant Psychic has predicted the Bananapocalypse!
I figured it was the Bananamobile. You know, like the Oscar Meyer WeinerMobile. Drives around the countryside, treating innocent bystanders to freebie Bananas. But…but…a LOGO? Really?
Dellani Oakes
8 years ago
If I had visions of a giant banana, I think I’d be reluctant too.
Many questions.
The banana makes the cover a lot less dull, at least?
Well, part of it.
At first I thought a suburb had been invaded by a flying saucer carrying a huge banana. Hi-res zoom-in I see that is a logo for “Bent Banana Books BBB”. Publisher’s logo should not be part of the picture, but part of the frame, preferably sitting in an upper corner, and large enough to be clearly identifiable.
It’s the publisher’s logo? Now it’s just disappointing and crappy!
But is it a banana? Or are you just glad to see me?
“The Reluctant Psychic introduces police detective Trudy Harper who battles with acceptance” — There’s just no pleasing some people.
Since she knows her colleagues would lampoon her “erratic ability” if they knew, wouldn’t she be battling for acceptance?
If she battles with acceptance, why wouldn’t she want her colleagues to accept her ability? Does she have a martyrdom complex?
Which raises the question: how does she know her ability “will be lampooned by her hard-bitten colleagues”? Is she psychic?
Oh no – the Reluctant Psychic has predicted the Bananapocalypse!
I figured it was the Bananamobile. You know, like the Oscar Meyer WeinerMobile. Drives around the countryside, treating innocent bystanders to freebie Bananas. But…but…a LOGO? Really?
If I had visions of a giant banana, I think I’d be reluctant too.