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Hannah Theresa Weyland

What on earth is wrong with his arms? They loook like they melted.

8 years ago

They do look pretty screwed up, like he’s malformed. If it’s intentional, it’s disturbing, yes, but it seems as though it’s more likely inadvertent. And that’s sad as hell.

Take Cover
Take Cover
8 years ago

That’s just how Korthlundians *are*, Nathan, all twisty and not quite in the right place or proportion. And there’s you poking fun at them. For shame!

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago
Reply to  Take Cover

It could be worse than that. This cover reminds me of that TV show where an artist paints distorted portraits but they look perfectly normal to him because his vision was distorted by drug experiments.
(Found it! House “Adverse Events”, season 5 episode 3.)

8 years ago
Reply to  Take Cover

I hope his name isn’t Ken Korthlundian.

Dave Williams
8 years ago

Also, “Kronicle”? [shudder]

8 years ago

I thought gun control was for wimps and commies.

8 years ago

Those screwed up hands made you not notice the tiny face on the huge head, so there.