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10 years ago

I have decided to make my name lower resolution than the rest of the cover, so people do not know I was associated with this book. I’m sneaky like that.

10 years ago

Note to self: cross “vacation at old shack in woods” off bucket list.

P.S. Find out what filter that is and then NEVER use it.

The image looks like a linoleum block for printing–you know the part you make the art FROM. And WTF is that yellow line thing? Oh, I know! God’s magic carpet. Must be how he gets to the wacky shack.

10 years ago

Ok. Get rid of that weird yellow ribbon , or whatever it is, adjust the spacing of elements so there’s not an empty space where the ribbon used to be, and get rid of the filter used with the building (shack I guess). You might have a cover that at least doesn’t have people going “WTF”.

10 years ago

The title of the book is where I say WTF? Meeting God At The Shack. Are they doing a drug deal or a romantic rendezvous? Again, I say WHAT. THE. FUCK?!!!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Jen

Maybe they are doing both at once? Romantic Drug Rendezvous. Kill two birds with one bone as it was.

Now there is your book premise!

10 years ago
Reply to  Waffles

All I know is that title is so so wrong.

10 years ago
Reply to  Jen

It’s all too sordid for me.

john e. . .
10 years ago

To my ear, it seems like a word is missing – as if a title “Meeting God at the _____ Shack” would make more sense.

Perhaps, “Meeting God at the Snack Shack,” or,
“Meeting God at the Steak Shack,” or,
“Meeting God at the Booze Shack,” or,
“Meeting God at the Stripper’s Shack,” or,
“Meeting God at the Crack Shack,” or,
“Meeting God at the Shack for the Mentally Unbalanced.”

Damn – I nearly forgot –
“Meeting God at the Love Shack!”

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago
Reply to  john e. . .

“Meeting God at the Love Shack!”

by the Virgin Mary?