Escape From Destiny April 13, 2014NathanCovers6 Comments Escape From Destiny Love that pseudo-hair. cut and paste filteriffic random imagery Previous postThe Back-Slide of Jimmy Hyde Next postRuck’s Nightmare
No! Leave off the extraneous black doo-dads that are blocking her face! Please. And the metalic font is a bit too much IMO. So tone it down or emphasize the illustration more, somehow. Then you might have a not-sucking-too-much cover.
These boots were made for walkin’ . . .
Really – is there a point to the boots? Or adding (poorly) another eagle to the woman’s cap?
LOL! If you have to ask about the significance of the boots, you just don’t get it. 🙁
I knew that.
REALLY! I did!
The invisible man has delicate feet, right?
Those little black boots are real winners aren’t they? Now if the chick on the cover looked like Nancy Sinatra it would just seal the deal.
Niggly point: If you can escape your destiny, then it wasn’t REALLY your destiny – the ESCAPE was. Right?
And yes. The invisible man has delicate feet, brought on by having to lug that enormous emblem around.