The Maze of the Magician April 11, 2014NathanCovers9 Comments The Maze of the Magician Now just add some color and some skill, and you’ve really got something! art for a refrigerator BOO-ring Previous postA Few Lives Lost Next postThe First Dawn
Clock, maze… close enough?
What do a girl’s rear and a two-headed girl have to do with a zoo?
Still, it’s an interesting concept. I think it could be upgraded to work.
The dragon only has 2 legs… ???
Then it is a wyvern and not a dragon. 😉
Apparently the author only approves of some astrological signs.
Aww, bless you Dragon! Anyone got a tissue for him?
I think the dragon is allergic to the lousy cover art.
The title reminds me of The Wheel of Time series…maybe it’s this author’s version of that?
Check out the butt cheeks on the chick at two o’clock. Also, she’s got no feet, so there’s that.
This looks like one of those pamphlets that come with an assorted pack of incense you get at your local New Age store and I hate that shit.