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10 years ago

The writing and the black and white background…ugh! The building looks like the Towering Inferno! Where’s Steve McQueen?

10 years ago

Then can we disrespect the eyesore of a cover instead?

10 years ago

It’s hard to differentiate between the title and the blurb. It kind of looks like a promotional EP for a band called 80mb San Francisco featuring their soon to be hit “A Brutal Act of Terrorism.”

Sneaky Burrito
10 years ago

He doesn’t actually have a registered trademark. I searched the USPTO database. The closest thing I could come up with was “Life Novel” which seems to be registered to an Atlanta company. Only, this guy lives on the West Coast.

Ah, well, considering I can’t even read the text on the cover, I suppose the (R) is the least of his worries.

john e. . .
10 years ago

I think 80mb San Francisco is A.C.Havassy’s Rap Name.

(And no, I could not read “A.C.Havassy.” I had to visit the Amazon Page.)

DJ 80mb San Francisco is performing this playlist of his hits tonight in the building pictured.

Or, these are actually coded messages from aliens to their sleeper agents.

That, at least, would explain the line “A realistic aberration of true life novel.(R)” Which should probably be written “A realistic-aberration-of-true-life(R) novel.”

Actually that line – and this whole book – should probably be taken out back, stood in front of a wall, and shot. Several times.

10 years ago

::Swoons, hand to forehead::

Rapture! It’s the second edition. Out of my way, peasants. I MUST have it…(so I can give it to john e for his upcoming bookecution ceremony).

10 years ago

Are there three or four fonts?

Hey A.C., don’t put your blurb on the front.

10 years ago

This cover does nothing to inspire a trip to San Francisco. In fact, quite the opposite.

10 years ago

Hmm just noticed this is a second edition, are they going for three times the charm?

Tamian Wood
10 years ago

I love it that WTF is a tag! LOL You crack me up Nathan.