The Robert Hunter commentary is simply mind-blowing. I mean…FFS. PURPLE is the kindest adjective for that drivel. And what–his two uberfans can’t even BUY a copy, so that their purple prose is construed as “verified purchases?”
L-Plate Pen
8 years ago
And has the author subtly circled the things she ‘won’t drop?’
8 years ago
She won’t drop, apparently, but she might jump and take this mess with her.
Naaman Brown
8 years ago
This whole novella presentation — cover, blurbs, bio — reeks of the deadly sin of sloth.
It is a 22 page Kindle novella. The Amazon page “Praise for David Alexander’s Short Fiction” is about his work in general; whether the “Praise” for his style is deserved by this example, there is the “Look inside!” sample so judge for yourself. “More about the Author: Biography” is copied from the page for his novel “Threatcon Delta” and 2/3rds is about that book.
Neither the “Praise” nor the “Biography” mention this novella but this cover does represent this book and the cover is simply repulsive.
Who’s Lou?
Oh yeah. “Read the book then you’ll understand.”
Jim Morrison’s ghost is not amused.
Is she wearing a diaper?
Nappies would defeat the point of the exercise! She’ll never ‘drop’ anything wearing such stuff. Think of the sequel/s!
What da actualized fuque???????????
Extremely creepy, extremely gross, and ugly.
Also, get a load of the summary on Amazon.
So many words of purple praise from his mates… so little incentive to actually READ anything inside the book in question.
The Robert Hunter commentary is simply mind-blowing. I mean…FFS. PURPLE is the kindest adjective for that drivel. And what–his two uberfans can’t even BUY a copy, so that their purple prose is construed as “verified purchases?”
And has the author subtly circled the things she ‘won’t drop?’
She won’t drop, apparently, but she might jump and take this mess with her.
This whole novella presentation — cover, blurbs, bio — reeks of the deadly sin of sloth.
It is a 22 page Kindle novella. The Amazon page “Praise for David Alexander’s Short Fiction” is about his work in general; whether the “Praise” for his style is deserved by this example, there is the “Look inside!” sample so judge for yourself. “More about the Author: Biography” is copied from the page for his novel “Threatcon Delta” and 2/3rds is about that book.
Neither the “Praise” nor the “Biography” mention this novella but this cover does represent this book and the cover is simply repulsive.