Much better than the original title, The Thing With Two Heads (One of Them Being A Cat’s, and the Other That of a Terribly Overused Stock Model).
Much better than the original title, The Thing With Two Heads (One of Them Being A Cat’s, and the Other That of a Terribly Overused Stock Model).
I want to totally bitch slap that jackass on the cover. I mean it.
Yo, dude. Your contact fell out of your right eye…
Yeah, I’m talkin’ to YOU, not to the cat.
That right eye looks very strange doesn’t it. Maybe pink eye.
This begs an obvious question.
Why is his right eye yellow when the cat’s is green? Heavens.
Heavens! They must be the same cat!
Well, exactly. If they were the same man/cat wouldn’t the guy’s right eye be bright green and not yellow? Green does not equal yellow. Ev-er! 😉
Because the colour replace brush is hard?
Well yellow eye is an indication of Jaundice.
Pleasepleasepleaseplease tell me this is a romantic comedy!
I mean, him and the cat are clearly made for each other – look, they have matching non-matching eyes!