Sterling Place: A Haunted House


Sterling Place: A Haunted House

And then someone said, “Yup, it looks perfect! Run with it!”

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7 years ago

Wow. Next to that “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” one, this one of the most pixelated covers I have ever seen.

Dave Williams
7 years ago

I keep waiting for the image to finish resolving…

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
7 years ago
Reply to  Dave Williams

I first thought I needed eyedrops, but I noticed the other parts of this webpage were clear.

This is not a jpeg with lores preview: that’s the cover.

This is so fuzzy it looks bad in thumbnail size.

Gary Buettner
7 years ago

Common knowledge among paranormal investigators, the presence of malevolent spirits can cause pictures to be taken out of focus and to be dreadfully boring.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
7 years ago
Reply to  Gary Buettner

The presence of spirits also cause lens flares spirit orbs in photos.

7 years ago
Reply to  Gary Buettner

Imbibing malevolent spirits can have the same effect. Especially cousin Ierms’s corn mash.