New Covers For Old: The Return!

It’s been a while, so here’s a list of books featured on Lousy Book Covers which have gotten themselves new covers! I can’t claim that this site was instrumental in most cases (and not all of them are substantive improvements), but I can dream.

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10 years ago

AHH. Why are most of them still SO AWFUL?! You’d think if you’re going to “improve” your cover… you know, you’d actually… IMPROVE it?

10 years ago

A lot of these “new” covers are epically worse than their originals!

10 years ago

There are one or two that are big improvements. But it seems either the other authors are not reading the comments, or don’t understand them.

Ron Miller
Ron Miller
10 years ago

The really sad ones are those whose original covers were the best.

10 years ago

It’s pretty much a lateral move in most cases.

Take Cover
Take Cover
10 years ago

Yeah, unfortunately, ‘not all of them are substantive improvements’ is something of an understatement.

I count three that have actually been fixed —

Hatching the Nest Egg

Death Dreams Deluxe

The Halfwit Knight

With an honorable mention for The Circle of Stones, which still doesn’t work for me but at least it’s a big step in the right direction.

As Viergacht says, at best, it’s a lateral move in most cases. Sometimes from one wtf all the way to a whole other wtf.

Matt Nelson
10 years ago

I love that “Wizard Dawning” just enlarged the text so you can’t see that he has no hands. So great. Two thumbs up– oh. Um.