Ekpen – Tiger in the Swamps March 19, 2014NathanCovers11 Comments Ekpen – Tiger in the Swamps If you’re really going to use a screencap of a Word document for your cover, at least TURN THE SPELLCHECK OFF. bad font choice WTF Previous postProfile Next postJericho
What the… Is that tiger wearing a goalie mask? Seriously?
People, people! WTF? Get a g-damned clue. It’s called ART, cover art. This is NOT art. It’s not even crap. It’s just awful and sad.
Not even trying. And what happened to the poor tiger’s head? Does a nuclear powerplant discharge its effluent into that river?
The author’s ignorance re: spellcheck does not bode well for the rest of the book.
Or perhaps they just wanted a wiggly red line under their name?
I feel well-disposed toward this cover because when I saw what they’d done to the tiger, I spit coffee out my nose.
So did I. And I don’t even DRINK coffee.
Wow. Just…wow…
Did the tiger wish to remain anonymous and ask for his face to be pixelled out?
Tigers are notorious for refusing to sign photo releases.
Don’t you know the tiger here is in the wildlife witness protection program.
More like Witless Protection Program.