The Glass Coll.: Two Plays March 17, 2014NathanCovers10 Comments The Glass Coll.: Two Plays I CAN’T EVEN READ IT. art for a refrigerator instamatic readability Previous postSomething in Return Next postThe 16th Player
Is this cover even art? Or just some notepad scribbles during a really boring business meeting?
OH! Oh oh oh!! Please be a popup book. PLEASE! The cover is not enough – I want to see 100s of drawings by this genius.
People, I give you – The Next Picasso!
Cover art on cocktail napkin?
Suitable only for crinkling up and playing trashcan toss.
It’s like the author just photographed the crap he taped to the notebook he used to write the novel. Genius…..
It’s got to be a collection of junior high school poetry.
Oh, plays! It all makes sense now. Except that it doesn’t.
What is up with the Grim Reaper’s knees? Is he doing the Charleston or something?
Ha Ha!! That’s EXACTLY what I was thinking! Either that, or he’s doing The Disco Duck.
Get Down Grim Reaper!
Grim Reaper, huh? Okay, I guess I can see that (if I squint and twist my head sideways). Looks more like a character from the Jetsons though.