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10 years ago

Nothing like a teenage girl’s butt as the centerpiece of the cover. Classy. Real classy.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago

“Listen. Please. Covers produced on a cellphone are not a “thing.””

But it looked OK on my 2.5-inch phone screen…

10 years ago

Where does the one girl’s shoulder end and the other girl’s butt begin? At first, I thought one girl was wearing a short skirt with a long slit… then I realized that shoulder and leg are sort of blending together… By the way, this pose would be great for a child’s math workbook (3 + 2 = 5).

10 years ago
Reply to  gp

That’s FKN HILARIOUS! It could be a child’s basic math book. Every page would have teen girl’s butts (or boobs) with numbers on them adding up to what? A perverted dad’s wet dream.

Robby Reed
10 years ago

This is a site for criticism: Point out why something doesn’t work and how to make it better. That purpose is not served by comments which do nothing but use such words as “awful,” “dull as dishwater,” “boring,” “zero appeal,” and offer no specific advice for how to improve it. The authors and designers who submit their covers here already know (or strongly suspect) that their covers could be improved; it’s pointless to further drive that point home without telling how to do it better. And lobbing insults at other commenters’ judgment and skill doesn’t help either.

10 years ago
Reply to  Robby Reed

Wasn’t that text on CoverCritics.com? A different site.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Robby is one of a far-too-numerous breed of self-appointed vigilantes and censors who want to dictate the “proper behavior” of everyone else in the Universe.

How sad that the rest of the Universe cares not one whit about his dictums. 🙁

10 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown

The world is intense enough. Why should Robbie dis on those of us commentators who are trying to relieve a little stress in our day through humor? I mean Jesus Chrysler! Bring the seriousness down a notch would ya? To my understanding, these covers are on this site to make us laugh and yes, maybe ponder on how to help these unfortunate designers. How ’bout this; if you have constructive criticism, add a little humor to it. Generally speaking, I can’t imagine why anyone would get any joy from clinical observations expressed in such a dry manner. I personally love to laugh my ass off every day and refuse to feel guilty about it regarding one of my favorite daily routines: checking out Lousy Book Covers!

john e. . .
10 years ago
Reply to  Robby Reed

Robby, I think you’re lost, mate.

Why don’t you try reading this:


James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago

Same author as “Side Out For Murder.” She seems to have a thing for teen girl volleyball players.

10 years ago

At least use sand volleyball players, sheese.

And, I don’t think authors are submitting their covers to Nathan.

10 years ago
Reply to  Kregger

So right, Kregger. Nathan trolls for these on this own. He has a fine eye for cover suck, doesn’t he?

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago
Reply to  Kregger

Nothing says success like getting your book “reviewed” on LBC!

10 years ago

It would be interesting if there was a contest amongst us commentators to create the ugliest, lamest fake book covers of all time! Yes, it would certainly be a challenge but believe in yourselves brothers and sisters!

10 years ago
Reply to  Jen

That would be a lot of fun. My friend actually makes me book covers for fun and she makes them horrible on purpose. It could be like a special segment.