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10 years ago

Heaven help the person (besides the designer) who looks at this cover and says “yep, that’s the book for me.” What’s up with the deformed legs? What? What? What? on so many levels.

10 years ago

Balloon boobs. Obviously drawn by a man who has never touched real ones.

10 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Yes, but at least she will float if she falls in the water.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago
Reply to  Kregger

Unless they’re water balloons.

10 years ago

Sh!t meld more like.

That blue a$$ thing in the background with the legs and flames shooting out of it is, ummm, ::blushes:: don’t know, can’t even guess. Never mind.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago

Mr. Spock should sue for copyright infringement of the word “Meld” and the Vulcan salute.

10 years ago

Is that a human hamster ball in the back?

Matt Nelson
10 years ago

Okay, not 100% sure, but I’m almost positive that the art problem can be traced back to it being… well.. traced. Or at least copied. It looks remarkably like a pose I recognize from a Jim Lee 90’s comic, though I couldn’t point at one specifically. But when I was in high school, I remember copying a pose from a comic I liked and drawing different clothes on the character, and it produced an effect not unlike this.

10 years ago
Reply to  Matt Nelson

Aha! I kind of liked the line drawing effect, and thought if the woman was used by herself, enlarged, it would make a better cover. But it also makes sense that someone who could draw that themselves would have a feel for composition, too.